Interview with Ironman, server's first Prime.
Malera: First of all, let me congratulate you Ironman, to the servers first Prime!
IronMan: Thank you
Malera: First question, who are you? Tell us a little about yourself!
IronMan: I'm a long time MMO player, before TERA I was playing a small sandbox MMO called Mortal Online.
Malera: Okay, achieving "Server First" is no easy task! Do you have any other experience with similar achievments in other games?
IronMan: The only other MMO that I tried for server first was Rift. I played on Whitefall and was the highest Mage, would have been server first 50 Mage but at 48 I ran out of quests and got bored with it so I rerolled and still got third 50 Warrior
Malera: How did you prepare before powerlevling? Stacking up lots of energydrinks?
IronMan: I bought fruit, tea and biscuits and some energy drinks. I never did end up drinking the energy drinks, though. I tried sleeping 12 hours the night before but couldn't sleep as I was pretty nervous about the title.
Malera: So, you did plan to get this title? How long have this been on your mind?
IronMan: I didn't actually know there was an achievement for it until head start. So that's when I started planning for it.
I levelled a Berserker to 38 first and then Lancer & Warrior to 25/28 then I finally settled on Slayer, got him to 38 on the Monday before launch and did as many repeatables as I could be bothered with on Tuesday. Alot of people I asked said I wouldnt get it because we only had enough repeatables for level 39.5ish, a lot of others had them stacked to 42 but in the end that didn't really matter as we had more willpower to stay awake, which is what we were hoping for.
Malera: This leads me to my next question, about how many hours a day did you have to play to get the title?
IronMan: It took 49 hours to get the title, played straight through could have been a bit less, but we got stuck grinding and decided to try different repeatables to see what was best to grind.
Malera: Once getting the title, did you do anything special to celebrate?
IronMan: High fived each other and then slept for a long time
Malera: Can you share any tips for people that wish to try for titles like these in the future?
IronMan: Sure! Never give up, if you get stuck you just have to power through. I was ready to quit at 55 as I had to grind an entire level but my partner kept me going and in the end we got the title. Also, if you can, make sure you are able to stay awake for the duration. Others might get it if you have to go to sleep!
Malera: Last question! What are you looking forward to in Tera?
IronMan: I'm looking forward to how they are going to improve PvP - I really think this game has the potential to be an awesome PvP game as it's very skill based and every fight is different
Malera: Okay! Well, thank you for taking your time talking with me!
IronMan: No worries hopefully you got something useful out of all that
- Malera
nice 7 hour before me gz
The guys a gimp, killing lvl 20s at lvl 60, so sad.
crazy people)) get a study book, and become number one business man or climb Everest, if you have so much willpower..
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