Monday, June 25, 2012

Interactive story: Immortalis Infernus

    We are happy to present our first interactive story, Immortalis Infernus, written by Konachibi. Why interactive? Because it's next chapters will be written with your - the Readers' - participation.

Our first question is: Which two races would you like to see introduced first as the main characters?

Leave your answers in the comments.


The blade clattered across the stone floor, sliding across the room until it came to a stop against a pile of bones. 
The Castanic fell to his knees, one hand clutching the bleeding wound at his throat, his other hand reaching out to the blade, his eyesight blurring till he could barely make out the dark room around him or the person standing only a few feet ahead of him. The silhouette lingered there, a sword dripping with blood held just inches away from his head, two blue eyes rippling with ethereal fire staring down at him. "The sun shall burn out long before someone like you can hope to slay me Destrey." 

His voice boomed through the caverns, the very foundations of the cave shaking from the sound until all was still again. 
The demon infront of him slammed his sword into the ground and grabbed Destrey by the head, dragging him slowly through the grim corridors into a brightly light room filled with all manner of monstrosities, where he was thrown down onto a pile of rocks. 
With his arms raised in the air, the silohette infront of Destrey spoke again, "May you feast tonight to bring you strength for what is ahead my pets." 
The creatures within the room then all turned towards Destrey and began crawling towards him. He could hear chittering and gurgling coming from many of them, and the sounds of claws tapping against the stone floor as they drew closer. 
The shadow in Destrey's eyes turned and began walking away, right before he felt something like a set of knives puncture into his stomach. Then his eyes closed, never to open again. 

There is a tale written in the oldest of books of a dark wraith who's power surpassed even those of the Gods. He ruled over the forgotten lands of Arborea for hundreds of years, destroying all who stood before him. Though many pages were lost from the book, many believe that this wraith even wiped out an entire race to protect himself from destruction. Not even the knowledgable Baraka know the whole story, or how it came to pass that the wraith was finally slain, or how his empire fell. 

This tale is told to the children of Arborea as a bedtime story, and the most popular version goes that the many races united in order to break free of the wraiths rule. Another version tells of how the goddess Velik battled the wraith for ten days and ten nights before Baldur awoke briefly from his dream to pluck the wraith from Arborea and crush him in his hands. The true story however, was quite different...



Anonymous said...

This was an excellent read

I vote

Elin and popori ;)

Elloa said...

Loved it! You have a great talent Konachibi!

I vote Aman and Elin

Anonymous said...

Epic beggining :] hope to read more in future :D

Vote for Aman & Elin

Anonymous said...

wow nice story, want the full story now! :D

vote for elin and popori

Anonymous said...

Well written, good job Konachibi! ^^

Im voting for the fluffy bunny race (I think its called Popori?) and the human version of the fluffy bunny (Elín?)

Konachibi said...

Thanks everyone for the compliments ^.^
I was kinda worried writing it 'cos I felt it was quite short and it has a couple of flaws here and there that still bug me.

The chapters will be a lot longer, though they may end up getting split between issues if I make 'em too long XD

Seems that one main character is gonna be an Elin, and at the moment Popori are beating Aman by 1 vote so it's quite close... :)

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