Monday, May 14, 2012

GvG report: numbers!

    Another week and a lot of guild wars going on! In this week report, we are going to have a look at some numbers! Unfortunately, the game is keeping only limited amount of guild versus guild results, so those numbers will apply only to wars started after 3rd of May, past 14:13 and finished before 13th of May, 20:00 . Please keep that in mind.
    During this time we have been spectators of 257 finished wars! The people of Samael surely are busy with fiercly fighting each other, we have only 9 surrenders. In all these wars exactly 173 guilds have participated. That is almost 1/3 of whole guilds on Samael, 674 for this moment. Let's remember that a lot of them are really small guilds, containing less than 10 members, so most of the bigger ones are actively participating in GvG activities.
    How about results of all those wars then? We have few very succesful guilds on the scene at the moment and few that are not performing... that well. First, let's mention the most active guilds during this period:
  • Crimson Knights - 11 wars
  • Darkness - 22 wars
  • Elysium - 9 wars
  • Evil League of Evil - 10 wars
  • Insane - 10 wars
  • Malectum - 10 wars
  • Outer Heaven - 15 wars
  • Outlaw - 14 wars
  • Overpower - 10 wars
  • Potato - 9 wars
  • Sisu - 8 wars
  • Titans - 9 wars
  • Trollface - 10 wars
  • Vehement - 11 wars
  • Vikings of Midgard - 8 wars
    When it comes to Win-Loss ratio some of the guilds mentioned above are also included in the ranking below. We would like to present ranking of the most succesful guilds of this week, together with those that performed quite opposite (number next to the guild name means count of wins-losses-surrenders):

Highest Win-Loss ratio:
  1. Vehement - 9
  2. Evil League of Evil - 8
  3. Outer Heaven ex aequo with Bad Manner - 7
  4. Potato - 5
  5. Elin Dance Squad, Hentai Pornstars, Outlaw - 4

Lowest Win-Loss ratio:
  1. Darkness - -16
  2. White Lotus - -6
  3. Elysium, Insane, Valkyrie, Vikings of Midgard - -4
  4. Crimson Knights, Sisu - -3
    On Darkness example, we can clearly see that numbers are not everything - it is apparently harder to organise such a big guild during so many wars. Although, recently they had their 2 first victories, aswell as 2 draws. We will wait and see if they will recover from this losing strike and maybe appear in the other ranking! Also congratulations to the leaders of our ranking!
Few of the wars made some of us at least smile. Evil League of Evil defeating Justice or battle between vikings from Vikings, Vikings of Midgar, Lost Vikings and Viking Raiders are one of those funny moments.
    Of course it could not do without some drama on our server during this week. Last time we had little espionage mission, now we were witnesses of a dispute started by a former member of Kollektivet and present member of Ragnarok, Zapfcarn. It also included a 'fake' guild war between Kollektivet and their alt guild Tevitkellok (which actually finished in the main guild losing!). You can read more about it in the flash news section!

    We can see many ongoing battles, beign fought on many fronts and we cannot wait to see results of them! As this week shown, battling with many guilds at one time usually does not end up with only winning them. Also, will we get a new leader in the ranking? We look forward to battles in the next week!
    If you happen to have screenshots of the GvG results from the previous period, I would really aprreciate if you could send them to me at In addition, if you are a witness of a guild versus guild fight, you have some information on some disputes related to them or you want to inform us about alliances - leave a comment, send a mail or poke us in-game!

- Rhashazi


Anonymous said...

Hentai Pornstars have won more than 4 GVGs, might wanna check those numbers again..

Rhashazi said...

'[...]those numbers will apply only to wars started after 3rd of May, past 14:13 and finished before 13th of May, 20:00 . Please keep that in mind.'


Anonymous said...

Honor bound have also won 4 wars as of the 13th.

Anonymous said...

Nothing about Exiled? Hentai Pornstars and Crimson Knights use feeders to win their wars.

Anonymous said...

If Crimson Knights are feeders why haven't they won many? And from what I've heard and seen Hentai Pornstars don't feed but have been known to kick people from their guild for dying to often, sounds like a super serious PVP guild to me. Maybe even slightly elitist???

Anonymous said...

Exodus wins many wars too..

Anonymous said...

If someone would say 'pics or it didn't happen' then I'd gladly post a screenshot that proves feeding. Feeding as a very dirty tactic that we all should avoid but unfortunatly some disagree.

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