Monday, May 14, 2012

Meeting with our Primes

    Last Wednesday, 9th of May, I gathered all Primes for a meeting in front of Velika's Gates : 
  • Ironman (Slayer) 
  • Lyanisu (Berserker) from <Evil League of Evil>
  • Vanille (Sorcerer), Koko (Warrior)
  • Eleanor (Archer) from <Soul Eater>
  • Laizy (Priest) <Elin Dance Squad
  • Blacklotus (Lancer)<Third Eye
    The reason for that was to take a screenshot of all Primes together, but it ended in a nice small gathering where everyone could chat with each other, and duel a bit. I obviously participated only as photographer.
    I tried at some point to pretend that I was the Mystic Prime joining the meeting incognito but for some reasons no one believed me. For a long time, the Prime Mystic had been unknown for most people. His name had never been announced on forum and as Mystic is the rarest class in Tera (with the exception of my guild ;-) ) some believed that the title was still to take. So it was Wednesday when I finally learnt the name of the Mystic Prime : Potato, from <Tangra>. Unfortunately he was stuck in a hardmode instance and could not join our meeting.

    The competition to earn such a title can be somewhat hard. For example the 'Lancer prime' title had been pursued by three players: Zelax, Justiice and Blacklotus. Blacklotus was levelling by himself and was killed by Justiice for a plant. At that moment Justiice was leading the race but when Blacklotus told him "Let's play together since lancer prime is probably taken. I saw a lancer, Zelax, higher already, yesterday", he chose to continue his own way and take it easy. When Blacklotus earned the title, Justiice felt a bit fooled.
"I didn't know Zelax wasn't up ahead anymore" confessed Blacklotus.

    It's a popular thing to say that people at the top are lonely. I was wondering how was the life of level 60 players. And it is lonely, indeed. There is not many level 60 players yet, even if the population is growing every day. The Dungeon Finder queues are awfully long (sometimes even 4 hours!) So, what is left for a lvl 60 player?
"Beeing 60 is being Outlaw, or leveling alts" concludes Ironman. The massacred population of Fey Forest can witness this sad truth.



Rakhad said...

Would be nice if level 60s took to policing outlaws rather than joining them.

Anonymous said...

Agreed being an asshat 60 against lowbies just for the love of it doesnt help to give them popularity

Potato said...

Real im the outsider, the only one not in vleika xD

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