Monday, May 28, 2012

Question of the week

Every week, you will find in Samael News the « Question of the week », asked directly in game by one of our reporters to players selected by chance.

Why did you cast your vote on the guild you voted on?

Elin Sorcerer <guildless>
 I voted for a guild of wich I never heard something bad, and never seen it spaming of chat.

Castanic Berserker  <guildless>
 To be completly honnest, because it had a lot of recommendations, read what it had to offer, and it sounded, well, sufficient.

Human Archer from  <Existance>  :
I saw their add on the forum. I'm also quite familiar with their face in game.

Human Warrior from <Triallion>  : 
Well, i haven't really voted for a Vanarch yet, as I'm quite new to this game. The political system seems like a fun and motivating system to empower more social interaction with other players, as it does promote PVP at the same time. I've been reading a bit on the forum about different Vanarchs, but I'm not really sure who to vote for yet.


qtpi said...

Whats the point of listing these answers without knowing the guild they voted for?

Disclaimer - I really like this newspaper thingy, its just bugging me!

Elloa said...

This is to respect their privacy.
Not everyone want to say for who they voted for. The point of this question was to know the reason that pushed them to vote for one guild rather another. I think we go interesting and different answers this week.
I also love the portrait of this week. Except for Pseude, they all looks like criminals or something :p

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